The sun, the sister | of the moon, from the south
Her right hand cast | over heaven's rim;
No knowledge she had | where her home should be,
The moon knew not | what might was his,
The stars knew not | where their stations were.
(Völuspá, stanza 6)
Since time immemorial, our ancestors have looked up into the night sky and pondered the stars, their positions, calculated their course and, until relatively recently, related movements in the heavens to movements here on Earth. In a way you can read our reflection up there, which led to the law of many hermetists and mystics of the past centuries that what is above is like what is below; and what is below is like what is above. This is known in a slightly shorter version in English as "As above, so below."
I have always been very interested in astrology but started studying it full force in 2018 and have been almost unstoppable ever since in my quest for more knowledge. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know, because astrology has countless layers that can be connected in so many ways. In particular I have been fascinated by the rebirth of Hellenic astrology and although I include the planets and asteroids that we have found in recent times I use a lot of technology and calculations that the ancient Greeks developed and apparently did not need to make any changes in order to still work. I am also somewhat influenced by modern and psychological astrology and I use many of the tools I have learned in my own psychotherapy sessions and through the knowledge of my friends and therapists to help my clients find their strengths and independence.
Each and every star chart is completely unique, so we all need different resources and help throughout life. Through the card I can see where your strengths lie, what unique qualities you have and what can help you to get through difficult times or to gain better control of your emotions.
My approach is queer, victim-friendly, and mindful of overlapping privilege and marginalization. My goal is to create a safer space where you get to experience self-empowerment, respect, safety and being listened to. I especially have a lot of experience reading for people who are already in deep self-work, activist, spiritual and/or political thinking but am of course open to anyone who is interested or feels the need for a different perspective or a mirror to compare themselves .

I was born in 1988 and raised in Iceland, but moved to London a month before the economic crash of 2008 for university. After completing my BA in Fine Art Photography from Kingston University, I lived in London for a year and then moved to Stockholm for approx. two years.
In 2014 I was forced to move back to Iceland due to health issues and have been content to stay here ever since. As soon as I returned home, I went full force into queer activism, but I introduced the neo-pronoun "hán" to Icelanders, founded a very informal organisation for non-binary people in Iceland, took part in the establishment of Hinseginspjallið (a queer chat group) and took an active part in the work of Samtökin '78 (the national queer organisation) and later Trans Iceland.
Due to chronic health issues, I have been mostly freelance over the years as an activist, photographer, food producer, DJ and astrologer, among other projects.
In addition to astrology, I am studying seiðr (an ancient nordic form of divination and magic), and I work a lot with my ancestors, land vættir/spirits as well as Norse gods. I'm very interested in the connections between the stars and the Old Nordic ideas about the world, because while we have no written records of this, it simply doesn't make any sense for our Norse ancestors not to connect their stories with the sky when almost all other cultures did in some way.